We recognize and honor the strength of Native survivors
We provide time and space for Native survivors in the Colorado Springs region to be supported in their own Indigenous identity, while receiving services that respond to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and/or sex trafficking.
Our advocacy goes beyond providing a service or managing a case. We look to restore power in Indigenous societies, undo the impacts of colonization, reclaim Indigenous values that promote healing and balance, and foster community.
Are you in need of support?
What to expect when you contact us
Your safety is our number one priority.
We provide confidential conversations with Native survivors.
We will listen and work with you to determine the best path forward to ensure you are safe now and in the future.

Advocacy Services
Our advocates are here to support American Indian and Alaska Native women who have survived domestic or sexual violence. We will help you navigate complicated systems and access the tools and information you’ll need throughout the process. Our goal is to reduce barriers for you whenever possible. Most importantly, we serve survivors for as long as it takes for you to live a healthy, safe, and peaceful life.
Our advocacy services include:
One-on-one support
Safety plans
Education about different types of violence
Support groups
Financial, legal, and housing options
Referrals for additional support services
“We are here to make sure every Indigenous woman in Colorado Springs feels safe and has everything they need to live a happy, healthy, and prosperous life. I like to think of us as everyone’s auntie—we’re here to help you and get you back on your feet.”
Positive Indian Parenting Classes
Positive Indian Parenting (PIP) is an 8-10 week curriculum, developed by the National Indian Child Welfare Association, that provides practical and culturally specific training for American Indian and Alaska Native parents.
Traditional Medicines
We know our traditional ways offer comfort and healing from trauma. Haseya provides access to traditional medicines such as sage, cedar, sweetgrass, or pollen that can help bring relief during trying times. We grow much of these in our garden.
Haseya Women’s Wellness Group
We believe when we heal as individuals, we also heal as a community. Haseya provides Native-specific women’s groups to create community and solidarity between survivors and allies. Our gatherings embrace the strength and beauty of the many Native cultures that make up our Colorado Springs Indigenous community.
Together, we’ll discuss domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and sex trafficking, as well as the Indigenous ways of being and personal sovereignty that are central to healing.
Indigenous Healing Garden
We operate a traditional garden to heal historical and generational trauma through the cultivation of Indigenous plants and medicines. Our garden is a powerful tool to help survivors on their road to recovery. This space provides an outdoor meeting area to hold facilitated Women’s Education Groups away from the isolation many survivors experience. Gardening provides opportunities for socializing, quiet reflection, and relaxation as well as cultural enrichment.
Nurturing Parenting Program-Native Specific Curriculum
The Nurturing Parenting Programs target all families at risk for abuse and neglect with Native children birth to 18 years.
Financial Empowerment Workshops
Seven-week program based on recognizing financial abuse, credit rebuilding, and Indigenous philosophies toward wealth.
Culturally Centered Workshops & Classes
Ribbon skirt, beadwork, and others. Contact us for the full list of our available classes and workshops.
Traditional Health Based Activities
Kayaking, hiking, traditional food education, yoga and equestrian therapy. We also provided limited doula and lactation advocacy for Program Relatives
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