About Haseya
Reclaiming Indigenous values to promote healing
Haseya Advocate Program is a Native woman-led and operated organization that serves Indigneous survivors of domestic and sexual violence in the Colorado Springs region. We know and recognize the power Native peoples hold, and we seek to ensure their safety by providing services, resources, and personalized support. Native survivors are strong and beautiful—we are driven to make sure they can live their lives in safety, joy, and peace.
Haseya is a project of Red Wind Consulting, a nonprofit that provides training and technical assistance to organizations helping domestic violence survivors in Native American communities, on reservations and in urban communities.
They attempted to erase Indigenous peoples and cultures
Native peoples throughout cultures have been active leaders and knowledge holders in politics, religions, and economies since time immemorial.
Colonization and patriarchy has attempted to erase Native peoples and cultures. The centuries of trauma have been passed down between generations, and continue to reverberate in our communities to this day.
Today, Native survivors face disproportionately high rates of domestic violence, sexual violence, and sex trafficking. We see this legacy in the current epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls that cuts across Indian Country.
Our Mission
Haseya works to ensure Native survivors of domestic and sexual violence have access to everything they need to live healthy, safe, and peaceful lives.
Our Vision
Our vision is that every American Indian and Alaska Native woman will be treated with respect, honored as a sacred being, and have a safe and joyful life.
Our team
Alyssa & Monycka
Monycka Snowbird
Haseya Program Director
Monycka is a Domestic Violence Treatment Advocate, a certified Domestic Violence Tribal Advocate and a Sexual Assault Tribal Advocate through the National Tribal Training Institute. Monycka sits on the Colorado Springs All Advocacy Steering Committee, the Advisory Team of the Sexual Violence Prevention Taskforce for the State of Colorado, was a co-chair for the Health & Wellness Committee for the Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs, is on the Native Advisory Council, and served on the board of directors for People of the Sacred Land and Food to Power. She manages Piath Ket Naa Nath, an Indigenous healing garden. She is one of the founding members of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Task Force of Colorado and of the Pikes Peak Indigenous Women's Alliance. She was recently honored by the City and County of Denver and Violence Free Colorado and received recognition for her work related to violence against Indigenous women. She is active in policy development and legislation related to Native issues in Colorado.
Alyssa Bravo (Comanche)
Haseya Advocate
Alyssa is certified to facilitate the Positive Indian Parenting and Nurturing Parenting programs. She is a certified Domestic Violence Tribal Advocate and a Sexual Assault Tribal Advocate through the National Tribal Training Institute. She co-facilitates weekly Wellbriety groups and is a point person for the Colorado Leaders in Health Equity through the Colorado Trust. She is a co-founder of the Pikes Peak Indigenous Women’s Alliance and the My Sister’s Voices drum group. Alyssa is a member of the Native Advisory Council of El Pomar's Elevating Leadership Development program and is a member of the RISE Coalition. She, like most advocates, went into this field of work due to her own experiences as a domestic violence survivor. Alyssa facilitates Financial Empowerment workshops for survivors.
Our team
Shauna Jackson
Community Resource Specialist/Volunteer Coordinator
Shauna is certified Domestic Violence Tribal Advocate and a Sexual Assault Tribal Advocate through the National Tribal Training Institute. She was an intern at Haseya with the Colorado Organization of Victim’s Assistance while she was obtaining her associates degree in Social Work. Shauna is currently attending Metropolitan State University of Denver. She has recently returned to Haseya while also maintaining her position with the Title XI Indian Education Program.
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